1. Fragments of graduation project “Technology of Rapid Prototyping in Accessory Design”. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. 2010
Development of Accessories collection “The 4 Elements“: Fire line, Air line, Water line and Earth line, so the customers can choose the own elementary line according to their zodiacal sign element or just because of personal preferences.
Study of the manufacturing technologies: application of 3d printer for the production of polymer casting models, consideration of different technologies of casting (sand-casting, plaster moulding, vacuum casting. Realization of bronze prototypes in different technics in collaboration with Material Science Department. Preliminary 3D modelling and graphic renders made in SolidWorks. Technical drawings: AutoCAD.
Fragment of graduation project cover page (Logo of accessories collection)
Initial drafts of collection pieces: cufflinks, buckles, broaches and buttons.
Fire line, Air line, Water line, Earth line.
Some of the 3D models realized in SolidWorks.
Screenshots from SolidWorks: 1. process of modelling; 2. Converting a model into .STL format (STereoLithography) for the further import to the 3D printer's software.
Rapid prototyping of casting models was realized with the 3D printer Alaris 30 by Objet Geometries (see the pict. below).
Program for 3D printing – Objet studio™. On the screenshot below: imported .STL model. Setting the model's location on a printing platform, and other preferences.
Bronze prototypes realized in different casting technics and related polymer models stamped on 3D printer.

Presentation poster of the collection. Modelling and render in SolidWorks.
AutoCAD technical drawings of buckle shown in the slideshow below: assembly drawing, drawings of buckle parts - frame and tongue, general view drawing.

2. Variants of hard cover design for the encyclopedic dictionary “Design. Materials. Technology“.
Glass composition for the 1st variant was modeled and rendered in SolidWorks; mocked up in photoshop.
Picture used for the 2d variant: Papier-mâché chair Ⓒ Estudio Campana. Photo: Fernando Laszlo.

3. Students Design competition at National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia. 2008
Theme: Design of shopper trolley.
Two proposals: multi compartment shopper trolley “Matreshka“ and “Flower Petals“. Aquarelle, black rollerball pen.

4. Students Design competition at St. Petersburg University of Design and Technology. 2008
Theme: Biomorphic Design.
My proposal park-garden lamp “Pelican“.
5. Ethnic Jewellery Project “Kulay“ inspired by artifacts of ancient Siberian Culture.
Set: pendant and brooch “Kulay Beavers“ (left)
Transformable necklace (3 pendants) “Kulay Motives“ (right)
6. Modelling of colour finishing scheme for the rubber-recycling machine; custom order from the company “Ecological Systems“, Tomsk. 2010